Display Lighting for food service equipment distributors


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Food service Display Case Lighting

Foodservice Display Case Lighting
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If you are a local distributor of lighting products...
...the pioneer in true and natural color definition lighting, Promolux Lighting International invites you to add to your selection of lighting products a line of specialty lamps designed for the retail food industry - for food service tables, takeout food displays and all food lighting applications.

Promolux makes specialized lighting for outstanding fresh food displays that combines the merchandising advantages of superior color rendering and the benefits of extended shelf life.

What makes Promolux different is the Promolux lamp manufacturing technology that combines the benefits of natural balanced color definition while limiting ultraviolet radiation emissions that can threaten food safety.

As a distributor of food service lighting products, you can generate higher margin sales by distributing specialized commercial lighting products designed for retail food displays. You can specialize as a food service equipment distributor or distribute Promolux to all retail grocers and supermarkets in your region. Apply today!

You can't miss the advantages of installing Promolux:

  • outstanding commercial food service lighting
  • food safe lighting for retail food service cabinets
  • profitable - attract sales and extend shelf life.

Low Radiation Balanced Spectrum Lighting is both food safe and profitable. See our presentation and become a distributor of Promolux true color lighting products.

Effects of Heat and UV Radiation

Perishable foods displayed under lights in display cases naturally suffer damage from the effects of heat and light radiation, caused by infrared and ultraviolet rays, and everyday lighting is often too bright and produces washed out colors using strong yellow and green segments of the visible spectrum. A skewed color balance from artificial lamps detracts from the natural appeal of fresh food colors.

Compare the effects of over bright lamps with Promolux full balanced color lamps by taking a look at the Promolux color booth:

compare Promolux food lighting

UV radiation can cause discoloration of food surfaces and excessive heat from the lamps can cause drying and the formation of skins on creamy food surfaces.

The ready-to-eat takeout market is a growing segment of the food service industry, involving food service professionals in restaurants, fast food outlets, and supermarket food service departments. Keeping food service display cabinets attractive and appetizing requires attention to maintaining the best appearance of the prepared takeout foods on display and to food safety.

The Perfect Lighting Choice for the Food Service Industry

Promolux retail food service lighting emits lower levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat than other commercial lighting commonly found in food service outlets, making these specialty foodservice display case lamps the perfect food lighting lighting choice.

Safe Spectrum food safe lighting from PROMOLUX specializes in lighting fresh foods set out for display.

Why become a distributor of Promolux lighting for commercial food service displays?

Unlike general purpose lighting, the balanced full spectrum of Promolux does not distort natural colors of food displays with emission of too many yellow or green wavelengths. Under Promolux lighting, all colors are more vibrant and appealing.

The cost of investing in Promolux lamps is proportionately insignificant compared with a retailer's investment in equipment, store design, merchandising, labor, electric power and advertising. Stores using Promolux find that sales increase and losses are reduced in their food service departments, frequently in less than 90 days. Your clients can expect an excellent return on your investment with Promolux.

Promolux true full spectrum lamps alleviate food service display case lighting problems. Natural colors remain true with Promolux high color definition lamps because they have a more balanced visible spectrum than other fluorescent lamps, including more of the red and blue wavelengths, and more moderate levels of the most damaging visible spectrum wavelengths, yellow and green.

Join the leading team of distributors of specialty lighting for food displays by adding Promolux lamps to your product line.

Information for PromoluxLighting Distributors:

  • Promolux display lamps are sold through local distributors who can provide excellent service and expert advice on the best use of Promolux fluorescent, incandescent, and halogen food lamps.

  • Promolux provides training in food safety and the effects of showcase lighting on food shelf life and food safety, giving you the edge needed to become a local authority on appropriate lighting for food applications.

  • Promolux will refer supermarkets and other food industry clients to you.

  • As you expand into new markets, you will find new opportunities to sell your existing product line.

Promolux lamps use existing ballasts and fixtures, and are available in standard sizes such as T5, T8, and T12. Lamps are fragile and difficult to ship individually, which is why we don’t sell direct.

Technical Specifications of Promolux Lamps

Technical Specifications of PROMOLUX Lamps PROMOLUX manufactures a variety of lamp types. Please follow the links below to learn more about the technical specifications for each:


Click here for more information on becoming a distributor of Promoluxtrue color lighting.

Home Meal Replacement (HMR)

Food service operators present their home meal replacement items in food service display cases and on buffet tables, where foodservice lighting has a huge impact on the holding time of hot food displays. Lighting also affects the appeal of hot and cold food displays, and sales from impulse buying. Most buffet counters have food warmers that are designed to heat the entrées from below, but the food is also heated from above by foodservice lamps which can cause entrées to continue to cook, become dry, form a crust, or lose their visual appeal.

Salad Bars and Cold Buffets

Food service display case lighting can also have a damaging effect on cold food displays and salad bars. Leafy green vegetables and fruit salads wilt very easily under intense lighting, and jello becomes rubbery.

Visual Appeal of Convenient Meal Solutions

Regular supermarket fluorescent lighting tends to be very strong in the yellow and green wavelengths of the visible spectrum, which can make gourmet entrées look old and unappealing. Under regular fluorescent lamps, food that is naturally red such as strawberries and rare roast beef tend to look brownish, while food that is white such as steamed rice or potato salad can take on an unappetizing greenish tinge. If the convenient meal solution does not look appealing, shoppers will not be tempted to buy it.

Click here for more information about PROMOLUX high color definition specialty lamps.